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Thank you.


  1. I find it incredible that with all your promotion of God, on your site and in your commercials, that you allow a guest such as Orly Taitz on your show, and you agree with her, when absolutely nothing she said on your show was the truth except her birthplace. You need to do some credible research and challenge her if she indeed comes on your show again as stated.

  2. Anonymous: Why the post under the veil of anonymity? The burden of proof is after all upon the accuser.

    I heard you speak about your experience at the Continental Congress '09 and I would like to know exactly, "What were they thinking when passing all of these, resolutions?

    That would be like walking blindly into a trap and doing exactly what the global financial, and political elite want in order to tighten their power, influence and control of things all over the world.

  3. Brother Bradley,

    Sounds like a great line-up for Saturday. I appreciate all you do to promote our liberties!

